tex-slideshow-doc | | Documentation for tex-slideshow |
tex-splines | | MetaPost macros for drawing cubic spline interpolants |
tex-splines-doc | | Documentation for tex-splines |
tex-suanpan | | MetaPost macros for drawing Chinese and Japanese abaci |
tex-suanpan-doc | | Documentation for tex-suanpan |
tex-tex-ps | | TeX to PostScript generic macros and add-ons |
tex-tex-ps-doc | | Documentation for tex-tex-ps |
tex-texdraw | | Graphical macros, using embedded PostScript |
tex-texdraw-doc | | Documentation for tex-texdraw |
tex-textpath | | Setting text along a path with MetaPost |
tex-textpath-doc | | Documentation for tex-textpath |
tex-threeddice | | Create images of dice with faces showing, using MetaPost |
tex-threeddice-doc | | Documentation for tex-threeddice |
tex-tikz-3dplot | | Coordinate transformation styles for 3d plotting in TikZ |
tex-tikz-3dplot-doc | | Documentation for tex-tikz-3dplot |
tex-tikz-cd | | Create commutative diagrams with TikZ |
tex-tikz-cd-doc | | Documentation for tex-tikz-cd |
tex-tikz-feynhand | | Feynman diagrams with TikZ |
tex-tikz-feynhand-doc | | Documentation for tex-tikz-feynhand |
tex-tikzinclude | | Import TikZ images from colletions |
tex-tikzinclude-doc | | Documentation for tex-tikzinclude |
tex-tikzmark | | Use TikZ's method of remembering a position on a page |
tex-tikzmark-doc | | Documentation for tex-tikzmark |
tex-tikzorbital | | Atomic and molecular orbitals using TiKZ |
tex-tikzorbital-doc | | Documentation for tex-tikzorbital |
tex-tikzpagenodes | | A single TikZ node for the whole page |
tex-tikzpagenodes-doc | | Documentation for tex-tikzpagenodes |
tex-tikzpfeile | | Draw arrows using PGF/TikZ |
tex-tikzpfeile-doc | | Documentation for tex-tikzpfeile |
tex-tikzposter | | Create scientific posters using TikZ |
tex-tikzposter-doc | | Documentation for tex-tikzposter |
tex-tikzscale | | Resize pictures while respecting text size |
tex-tikzscale-doc | | Documentation for tex-tikzscale |
tex-tikzsymbols | | Some symbols created using TikZ |
tex-tikzsymbols-doc | | Documentation for tex-tikzsymbols |
tex-tkz-base | | Tools for drawing with a cartesian coordinate system |
tex-tkz-base-doc | | Documentation for tex-tkz-base |
tex-tkz-fct | | Tools for drawing graphs of functions |
tex-tkz-fct-doc | | Documentation for tex-tkz-fct |
tex-venndiagram | | Creating Venn diagrams with TikZ |
tex-venndiagram-doc | | Documentation for tex-venndiagram |
tex-xypic | | Flexible diagramming macros |
tex-xypic-doc | | Documentation for tex-xypic |
tgif | | Fully-featured X11 drawing program |
tiff | | Library and tools for reading and writing TIFF data files |
tk-tkimg | | Add support for several image formats to Tk |
tkpiechart | | Tcl/Tk pie-chart utility; in Tcl, not as an extension |
tuxpaint | | Drawing program for small children |
tuxpaint-config | | Configuration program for tuxpaint |
tuxpaint-stamps | | Rubber stamps for Tux Paint |
urt | | Toolkit and library for raster image processing |
vcg | | Visualization Tool for compiler graphs |
veusz | | Scientific plotting package |
vid | | Simple-minded image capture program for some USB webcams |
viewfax | | Tool for displaying fax files in an X Window |
viewnior | | Viewnior is a fast and simple image viewer |
vigra | | Computer vision library |
viu | | Simple terminal image viewer written in Rust |
vnc2swf | | Record vnc session as flash movie |
vp | | Image viewer |
vtk | | Visualization toolkit |
vtk-docs | | Documentation for VTK (HTML) |
vulkan-headers | | Headers for Vulkan Graphics API |
wcslib | | FITS World Coordinate Systems library |
wld | | Primitive drawing library targeted at Wayland |
wm-icons | | Efficient configurable icons distribution |
wmphoto | | Dock-app that can show you a photo |
wxsvg | | C++ library to create, manipulate and render SVG files |
xart | | Paint program (enhanced xpaint) |
xbmbrowser | | View complete directories of X bitmaps and X pixmaps |
xdot | | Interactive viewer for graphs written in Graphviz's dot language |
xdvipresent | | Slide Presentations Using LaTeX/xdvi |
xfce4-icon-theme | | Xfce icon themes |
xfig | | CAD-like 2D drawing tool, good for colorful scale drawings & ISOs |
xgc | | Graphics demo showing the X11 core protocol graphics primitives |
xgraph | | Tool to draw a graph on an X11 display |
ximaging | | Image browser and viewer for Unix - X/Motif |
xli | | X11 Image Loading Utility |
xmbdfed (V) | | Motif-based BDF font editor with lots of features |
xmorph | | X program for image warping and dissolving |
xpaint | | Simple paint program |
xplot | | Plotting program, most often used in conjunction with tcptrace |
xplot-devel | | Plotting program (development snapshot) |
xsane | | New improved frontend for SANE |
xv | | X11 program that displays images of various formats |
xzgv | | Image viewer |
zathura-cb | | Adds comic book support to zathura |
zathura-djvu | | Add DjVu support to zathura using djvulibre library |
zbar | | Bar code reader |
zimg | | z image processing library |
zphoto | | Flash-based photo album generator |
zxing-cpp | | 1D/2D barcode reader/writer library in C++ |